Journals from Wayne’s Campaign
The following are journals from Wayne's campaign. These are only the journals known to exist. The journals are organized by their author. A short biography is provided for each individual followed by the location of the original source.
John Boyer
John Boyer was commissioned a Lieutenant in Wayne’s Legion on March 5, 1792. Boyer travelled with the Legion and recorded his experiences of the 1794 campaign in a journal. The journal covers only a short period of time, July 28, 1794 to November 2, 1794, but it comments on the location of Fort Defiance.
The transcript below is taken from the following source: Lieutenant Boyer. A Journal of Wayne’s Campaign. Cincinnati: Jno. F. Uhlhorn, 1866.
This text has been transcribed using Optical Character Recognition, researchers are encouraged to consult the original source.
Camp at Stillwater, 28th July, 1794.
Agreeable to the general order of yesterday, the legion took up their line of march at 8 o'clock, and encamped at half past 3 on the bank of Stillwater, twelve miles from Greenville. The weather extremely warm—water very bad. Nothing occurred worth noticing. Camp one mile in advance of Fort Recovery, 29th July, 1794. At 5 o'clock left the camp; arrived on this ground at 1 o'clock, being fifteen miles. Nothing took place worth reciting. I am now informed that tracks were perceived on our right flank, supposed to be runners from the Oglaize.Camp Beaver Swamp, eleven miles in advance of Fort Recovery, 30th July, 1794.
This morning the legion took up the line of march, and arrived here at 3 o'clock. The road was to cut, as will be the case on every new route we take in this country. The weather still warm-—no water except in ponds, which nothing but excessive thirst would induce us to drink. The mosquitoes are very troublesome, and larger than I ever saw. The most of this country is covered with beech, the land of a wet soil intermixed with rich tracts, but no running water to be found. A bridge to be built over this swamp to-morrow, which prevents the march of the legion till the day after. We are informed there is no water for twelve miles.July 31st, 1794.
Commenced building the bridge—being seventy yards in length—which will require infinite labor ; it will be five feet deep, with loose mud and water. One hundred pioneers set out this morning, strongly escorted, to cut a road to the St. Mary's river, twelve miles. I expect the bridge will be completed so as to march early in the morning. Camp St. Mary's River, August 1st, 1794.—Proceeded on our way before sunrise, and arrived at this place at 3 o'clock, being twelve miles as aforesaid. Our encampment is on the largest and most beautiful prairie I ever beheld, the land rich and well timbered ; the water plenty, but very bad ; the river is from forty-five to fifty yards wide, in which I bathed. I am told there is plenty of fish in it.August 2d, 1794.
The legion detained here for the purpose of erecting a garrison, which will take up three days. This day one of the deputy quartermasters was taken up by the Indians. Our spies discovered where four of the enemy had retreated precipitately with a horse, and supposed to be the, party the above person had been taken by. It is hoped he will not give accurate information of our strength.August 3d, 1794.
An accident took place this day by a tree falling on the commander-in-chief and nearly putting an end to his existence; we expected to be detained here some time in consequence of it, but fortunately he is not so much hurt as to prevent him from riding at a slow pace. No appearance of the enemy to-day, and think they are preparing for a warm attack. The weather very hot and dry, without any appearance of rain.Camp thirty-one miles in advance of Fort Recovery, 4th August, 1794.
The aforesaid garrison being completed, Lieutenant Underhill, with one hundred men, left to protect it; departed at 6 o'clock and arrived here at 3 o'clock, being ten miles. The land we marched through is rich and well timbered, but the water scarce and bad; obliged to dig holes in boggy places and let it settle.Camp forty-four miles in advance of Fort Recovery, 5th August, 1794.
We arrived at this place at 4 o'clock, nothing particular occurring. The land and water as above described—had some rain to-day. Camp fifty-six miles from Fort Recovery, 6th August, 1794. Encamped on this ground at 2 o'clock. In the course of our march perceived the track of twenty Indians. I am informed we are within six miles of one of their towns on the Oglaize river, supposed to be the upper Delaware town. If so, I expect to eat green corn to-morrow. Our march this day has been through an exceeding fine country, but the water still bad; the day cooler than heretofore.Camp sixty-eight miles from Fort Recovery, 7th August, 1794.
This clay passed the upper town on the Oglaize, which the Indians evacuated some time ago. I expect to see one of their new towns, where I am told there are all sorts of vegetables, which will be very acceptable to the troops. We have had no appearance of Indians to-day.Camp Grand Oglaize, 8th August, 1794.
Proceeded on our march to this place at 5 o'clock this morning, and arrived here at the confluence of the Miami and Oglaize rivers at half past 10, being seventy-seven miles from Fort Recovery. This place far excels in beauty any in the western country, and believed equalled by none in the Atlantic States. Here are vegetables of every kind in abundance, and we have marched four or five miles in cornfields clown the Oglaize, and there is not less than one thousand acres of corn round the town. The land in general of the fir nature. This country appears well adapted for the enjoyment of industrious people, who cannot avoid living in as great luxury as in any other place throughout the States, Nature having lent a most bountiful hand in the arrangement of the position, that a man can send the produce to market in his own boat. The land level and river navigable, not more than sixty miles from the lake. The British have built a large garrison about fifty miles from this place, and our spies inform us that the enemy are encamped about two miles above it, on the river.Grand Oglaize, 9th August, 1794.
We remain here. The commander-in-chief has ordered a garrison to be erected at the confluence of the Miami and Oglaize rivers, which was begun this morning, and will take up some time; by this means the troops will be much refreshed, as well as the horses and cattle, the latter being much wearied and in need of a recess of labor. No appearance of an enemy. Grand Oglaize, 10th August, 1794.— The troops in good spirits. No interruption from, or account of, the enemy. We have plenty of vegetables. One of our militia officers was wounded by his own sentinel by mistake.Grand Oglaize, 11th August, 1794.
Nothing occurs to prevent the completion of our work. Took up the line of march, and at 1 arrived on this ground without any occurrence. Our camp is situated in sight of Snaketown, on the Miami of the Lake. Vegetables in abundance. Camp nineteen miles from Oglaize, 16th August, 1794. Our march this day was through a bushy ground, and the road generally bad. Miller (the flag) returned this clay from the enemy with information from the tribes, that if the commander-in-chief would remain at Grand Oglaize ten clays they would let him know whether they would be for peace or war.Camp thirty-one miles from Grand Oglaize, 17th August, 1794.
This day a small party of the enemy's spies fell in with ours; both parties being for discoveries, they retreated, at which time the enemy fired and wounded one of our horses. Our camp, head of the Rapids.Camp forty-one miles from Grand Oglaize, 18th August, 1794.
The legion arrived on this ground, nothing particular taking place. Five of our spies were sent out at 3 o'clock—they fell in with an advanced body of the enemy, and obliged to retreat; but May, one of our spies, fell under the enemy's hold. What his fate may be must be left to future success.Camp Deposit, 19th August, 1794.
The legion still continued in encampment, and are throwing up works to secure and deposit the heavy baggage of the troops, so that the men may be light for action, provided the enemy have presumption to favor us with an interview, which if they should think proper to do, the troops are in such high spirits that we will make an easy victory of them. By this morning's order, the legion is to march at 5 o'clock.Camp in sight of a British garrison, on the Miamis of the Lake, August 20th, 1794 -- one hundred and fifty miles from Greenville.
This day the legion, after depositing every kind of baggage, took up the line of march at 7 o'clock, and continued their route down the margin of the river, without making any discovery, until 11 o'clock, when the front guard, which was composed of mounted volunteers, were fired on by the enemy. The guard retreated in the utmost confusion through the front guard of the regulars, commanded by Captain Cook and Lieutenant Steele, who, in spite of their utmost exertion, made a retreat. These fell in with the left of Captain Howell Lewis' company of light infantry and threw that part of the men into confusion, which Captain Lewis observing, he ordered the left of his company to retreat about forty yards, where he formed them and joined the right, which had stood their ground. They continued in this position until they were joined by part of Captain Springer's battalion of riflemen, which was nearly fifteen minutes after the firing commenced, who drove the enemy that had attempted to flank us on the right. Nearly at the same time, the right column came up, and the charge was sounded—the enemy gave way and fired scattering shots as they run off. About the time the right column came up, a heavy firing took place on the left, which lasted but a short time, the enemy giving way in all quarters, which left us in possession of their dead to the number of forty. Our loss was thirty killed and one hundred wounded. Among the former we have to lament the loss of Captain Miss Campbell of the dragoons, and Lieutenant Henry B. Fowles of the 4th sublegion ; and of the latter, Captains Prior of the first, Slough of the fourth, and Van Rensselaer of the dragoons, also Lieutenant Campbell Smith of the fourth sub-legion. The whole loss of the enemy cannot at present be ascertained, but it is more than probable it must have been considerable, for we pursued them with rapidity for nearly two miles. As to the number of the enemy engaged in this action, opinions are so various that I am at a loss to know what to say ; the most general opinion is one thousand five hundred, one-third of which are supposed to be Canadians; I am led to believe this number is not over the mark. After the troops had taken some refreshment, the legion continued their route down the river, and encamped in sight of the British garrison. One Canadian fell into our hands, who we loaded with irons.Camp Foot of the Rapids, 21st August, 1794.
We are now lying within half a mile of a British garrison. A flag came the commander-in-chief, the purport of which was that he, the commanding officer of the British fort, was surprised to see an American army so far advanced in this country ; and why they had the assurance to encamp under the mouths of His Majesty's cannons ! The commander-in-chief answered, that the affair of yesterday might well inform him why this army was encamped in its present position, and had the flying savages taken shelter under the walls of the fort, his Majesty's cannons should not have protected them.Camp Foot of the Rapids, 22d August, 1794.
We have destroyed all the property within one hundred yards of the garrison. The volunteers were sent down eight miles below the fort, and have destroyed and burnt all the possessions belonging to the Canadians and savages. The commander-in-chief led his light infantry within pistol shot of the garrison to find out the strength and situation of the place, and in hopes of bringing a shot from our inveterate but silent enemies. They were too cowardly to come up to our expectations, and all we got by insulting the colors of Britain was a flag, the amount of which was, that the commanding officer of the fort felt himself as a soldier much injured by seeing His Majesty's colors insulted, and if such conduct was continued he would be under the necessity of making a proper resentment; upon which the commander-in-chief demanded the post, it being the right of the United States, which was refused. A small party of dragoons were sent over the river to burn and destroy all the houses, corn, etc., that were under cover of the fort, which was effected.Camp Deposit, 23d August, 1794.
Having burned and destroyed everything contiguous to the fort without any opposition, the legion took up the line of march, and in the evening encamped on this ground, being the same they marched from the 20th. It may be proper to remark that we have heard nothing from the savages, or their allies the Canadians, since the action. The honors of war have been paid to the remains of those brave fellows who fell on the 20th, by a discharge of three rounds from sixteen pieces of ordnance, charged with shells. The ceremony was performed with the greatest solemnity.Camp Thirty-two Mile Tree, 24th August, 1794.
The wounded being well provided for with carriages, etc., the legion took up the line of march, and halted in their old camp about 2 o'clock in the evening, without any accident. In this day's march, we destroyed all the corn and burnt all the houses we met with, which were very considerable.Camp Fifteen Mile Tree, 25th August, 1794.
The legion continued their march, and encamped on this ground at 3 o'clock P. M. This morning a few of the volunteers remained in the rear of the army, and soon after the legion took up their line of march they saw eight Indians coming into our camp; they fell in with them, killed one and wounded two.Camp Nine Mile Tree, 26th August, 1794.
The legion continued their march, and after burning and destroying all the houses and corn on their route, arrived on this ground at 2 o'clock, being one of our encamping places when on our advance. All the wounded that were carried on litters and horseback were sent forward to Fort Defiance. Dr. Carmichael, through neglect, had the wounded men of the artillery and cavalry thrown into wagons, among spades, axes, picks, etc., in consequence of which the wounded are now lying in extreme pain, besides the frequent shocks of a wagon on the worst of roads. The wounded of the third sub-legion arc under obligations to Dr. Haywood for his attention and humanity to them in their distress.Camp Fort Defiance, 27th August, 1794.
The legion continued their route, and at 3 o'clock were encamped on the Miami, one mile above the garrison. On this day's march we destroyed all the corn and burnt all the houses on our route; the wounded are happily fixed in the garrison, and the doctors say there is no great danger of any of them dying.Fort Defiance, 28th August, 1794.
The commander-in-chief thinks proper to continue on this ground for some time, to refresh the troops and send for supplies. There is corn, beans, pumpkins, etc., within four miles of this place, to furnish the troops three weeks. "General Orders.—The Quartermaster General will issue one gill of whisky to every man belonging to the Federal "army (this morning), as a small compensation for the fatigues they have undergone for several days past. Major General Scott will direct his quartermasters to attend accordingly with their respective returns. The commander-in- chief wishes it to be fairly understood that when he mentioned or may mention the Federal army in general orders, that term comprehends and includes the legion and mounted volunteers as one compound army; and that the term legion comprehends the regular troops, agreeable to the organization by the President of the United States, and by which appellation they are known and recognized on all occasions when acting by themselves, and separate from the mounted volunteers. As the army will probably remain on this ground for some time, vaults must be dug, and every precaution taken to keep the encampment clean and healthy. The legion will be reviewed the day after to-morrow at 10 "o'clock. In the interim the arms must be clean and varnished, and the clothing of the soldier repaired and washed, to appear in the most military condition possible; but in these necessary preparations for a review great caution must be used by the commanding officers of wings, not to permit too many men at one time to take their locks off, or to be engaged in washing. All the horses belonging to the quartermaster and contractor's department, in possession of the legion, must be returned this afternoon." This is the first fair day we have had since we began to return to this place, it having rained nearly constant for five days, which was the occasion of fatiguing the troops very much.Fort Defiance, 29th August, 1794.
We are as yet encamped on this ground; all the pack-horses belonging to the quartermaster and contractor's department moved this morning for Fort Recovery, escorted by Brigadier General Todd's brigade of mounted volunteers, for the purpose of bringing supplies to this place. It is said the legion will continue in their present camp until the return of this escort. Our spies were yesterday twelve miles up this river, and they bring information that the cornfields continue as far as they were up the river.Fort Defiance, 30th August, 1794.
This day at 10 o'clock, the commander- in-chief began to review the troops at the posts occupied by the different corps, and I am led to believe that he was well pleased at their appearance. Major Hughes, Captain Slough, Captain Van Rensselaer and Lieutenant Younghusband obtained a furlough to go home to repair their healths, being, as they pretended, very much injured by the service. I believe the two first and the last mentioned if they never return will not be lamented by the majority of the army. The out-guards were much alarmed this morning at the mounted volunteers firing off all their arms without our having any notice.Headquarters, 31st August, 1794.
— "General Orders.— general court-martial to consist of five members, will sit t-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, for the trial of such prisonersas may be brought before them. Major Shaylor, President, Lieutenant Wade, Judge Advocate. The disorderly and dangerous practice of permitting the soldiery to pass the chain of sentinels, on pretext of going after vegetables, can no longer be suffered. In future, on issuing day, only one man from each mess, properly armed, and commanded by the respective sub-legionary quartermasters, will be sent as a detachment for vegetables, to march at 7 o'clock in the morning. The pack-horses shall forage daily under protection of a squadron of dragoons; every precaution must be taken to guard against surprise. Any non-commissioned officer or soldier found half a mile without the chain of sentinels, without a pass signed by the commanding officer of wings or sub-legion, or from headquarters, shall be deemed a deserter, and punished accordingly. Every sentinel suffering a non-commissioned officer or private to pass without such written permit, except a party on command, shall receive fifty lashes for each and every violation of this order. A fatigue party of three hundred non-commissioned officers and privates, with a proportion of commissioned officers, will parade at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning, furnished with one hundred axes, one hundred picks, and one hundred spades and shovels, with arms, commanded by Major Burbeck." A part of this order was in consequence of three men of the first sub-legion being either killed or taken by the enemy, when out a foraging, which was done some time since, in a very disorderly manner, at the same time liable to the attacks of the enemy, without having it in their power to make the smallest resistance.Fort Defiance, 1st September, 1794.
This morning the fatigue party ordered yesterday began to fortify and strengthen the fort and make it of sufficient strength to be proof against heavy metal: the work now on hand is a glascis with fascines, and a ditch twelve feet wide and eight feet deep; the blockhouses are to be made bomb-proof.Fort Defiance, 2d September, 1794.
Every effective man of the light troops in the redoubts round the camp were ordered this morning to make three fascines. The foraging party that went out this day brought in as much corn, dry enough to grate, as will suffice the troops three days. The soldiery get sick very fast with the fever and ague, and have it severely.Fort Defiance, 3d September, 1794.
Nothing but hard fatigues going forward in all quarters. The garrison begins to put on the appearance of strength, and will in a few days be able to stand the shock of heavy cannon; the troops are very sickly, and I believe the longer we continue in this place the worse it will be.Fort Defiance, Mh September, 1794.
The number of our sick increases daily; provision is nearly exhausted; the whisky has been out for some time, which makes the hours pass heavily to the tune of Roslin Castle, when in our present situation they ought to go to the quick step of the merry man down to his grave. Hard duty and scanty allowance will cause an army to be low spirited, particularly the want of a little of the wet. If it was not for the forage we get from the enemy's fields, the rations would not be sufficient to keep soul and body together.Fort Defiance, 5th September, 1794.
No news of the escort; this day the troops drew no flour, and I fear we will shortly draw no beef; however, as long as the issuing of beef continues the troops will not suffer, as there is still corn in abundance on the river.Fort Defiance, 6th September, 1794.
The work on the garrison goes on with life and will be completed in a few days. The weather very wet and cold; this morning there is a small frost.Fort Defiance, 7th September, 1794.
Nothing of consequence took place this day. Our sick are getting better.Fort Defiance, 8th September, 1794.
This day brings us information of the escort; by express we learn it will be with us to-morrow. It will be fortunate for us should provisions arrive, as we have not drawn any flour since the 7th instant; nevertheless we have the greatest abundance of vegetables.Fort Defiance, 9th September, 1794.
The escort has not yet arrived, but will be in to-morrow. General Scott with the residue is ordered to march to-morrow morning at reveille. The commander-in-chief engaged with the volunteers to bring on the flour from Greenville on their own horses, for which they are to receive three dollars per hundred, delivered at the Miami villages.Fort Defiance, 10th September, 1794.
The escort arrived this day about 3 o'clock, and brought with them two hundred kegs of flour and nearly two hundred head of cattle. Captain Preston and Ensigns Strother, Bowyer and Lewis, joined us this day with the escort. We received no liquor by this command, and I fancy we shall not receive any until we get into winter quarters, which will make the fatigues of the campaign appear double, as I am persuaded the troops would much rather live on half rations of beef and bread, provided they could obtain their full rations of whisky. The vegetables are as yet in the greatest abundance. The soldiers of Captain William Lewis's company are in perfect health, the wounded excepted.Fort Defiance, 11th September, 1794.
This day General Barber's brigade of mounted volunteers marched for Fort Recovery for provisions, to meet us at the Miami villages by the 20th.Fort Defiance, 12th September, 1794.
This day the pioneers were ordered to cut the road up the Miami under the direction of the sub-legionary quartermaster; they are to commence at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning.Fort Defiance, 13th September, 1794.
This day a general order was issued, setting forth that the legion would march to-morrow morning precisely at 7 o'clock, every department to prepare themselves accordingly. The squaw that Wells captured on the 11th August, was this clay liberated and sent home. Three soldiers of the 1st and three of the 3d sub-legions deserted last night; sixteen volunteers pursued them; they are to receive twenty dollars if they bring them in dead or alive.Camp 11 1/2 Mile Tree, 14th September, 1794.
The legion began their march for the Miami villages at 7 o'clock this morning and encamped on this ground at 3 o'clock, after marching in the rain eight hours.Camp 23d Mile Tree, 15th September, 1794.
The legion marched at 6 and encamped at 4 o'clock. Caj)tain Preston, who commanded the light troops in the rear, got lost and lay out from the army all night with a large part of the baggage.Camp 33d Mile Tree, 16th September, 1794.
We encamped on this ground at 4 o'clock, after passing over very rough roads, and woods thick with brush, the timber very lofty and the land generally rich and well watered.Camp Miami Villages, 11th September, 1794.
The army halted on this ground at 5 o'clock, P. M., being 47 miles from Fort Defiance and 14 from our last encampment; there are nearly five hundred acres of cleared land lying in one body on the rivers St. Joseph, St. Mary's and the Miami; there are fine points of land contiguous to those rivers adjoining the cleared land. The rivers are navigable for small craft in the summer, and in the winter there is water sufficient for large boats, the land adjacent fertile and well timbered, and from every appearance it has been one of the largest settlements made by the Indians in this country.Camp Miami Villages, 18th September, 1794.
This day the commander-in-chief reconnoitered the ground and determined on the spot to build a garrison on. The troops fortified their camps, as they halted too late yesterday to cover themselves. Four deserters from the British came to us this day; they bring information that the Indians are encamped eight miles below the British fort to the number of 1,600.Camp Miami Villages, 19th September, 1794.
This day we hear that General Barber's brigade of mounted volunteers are within twelve miles of this place, and will be in early tomorrow with large supplies of flour; we have had heavy rains, the wind northwest, and the clouds have the appearance of emptying large quantities on this western world.Camp Miami Villages, 20th September, 1794.
Last night it rained violently, and the wind blew from the northwest harder than I knew heretofore. General Barber with his command arrived in camp about 9 o'clock this morning with 553 kegs of flour, each containing 100 pounds.Camp Miami Villages, 21st September, 1794.
The commander-in-chief reviewed the legion this day at 1 o'clock. All the quartermaster's horse s set off this morning, escorted by the mounted volunteers, for Greenville, and are to return the soonest possible. We have not one quart of salt on this ground, which occasions bad and disagreeable living until the arrival of the next escort.Camp Miami Villages, 22d September, 1794.
Nothing of consequence took place to-day, except that the troops drew no salt with their fresh provisions.Camp Miami Villages, 23d September, 1794.
Four deserters from the British garrison arrived at our camp; they mention that the Indians are still embodied on the Miami, nine miles below the British fort; that they are somewhat divided in opinion—some are for peace and others for war.Camp Miami Villages, 24th September, 1794.
This day the work commenced on the garrison, which I am apprehensive will take some time to complete it. A keg of whisky containing ten gallons was purchased this day for eighty dollars, a sheep for ten dollars; three dollars was offered for one pint of salt, but it could not be obtained for less than six.Camp Miami Villages, 25th September, 1794.
Lieutenant Blue of the dragoons was this day arrested by ensign Johnson of the 4th S. L., but a number of their friends interfering the dispute was settled upon Lieutenant Blue's asking ensign Johnson's pardon.Camp Miami Villages, 26th September, 1794.
McClelland, one of our spies, with a small party came in this evening from Fort Defiance, who brings information that the enemy are troublesome about the garrison, and that they have killed some of our men under the walls of the fort. Sixteen Indians were seen to-day near this place ; a small party went in pursuit of them. I have not heard what discoveries they have made.Camp Miami Villages, 21th September, 1794.
No intelligence of the enemy. The rain fell considerably last night; this morning the wind is southwest.Camp Miami Villages, 28th September, 1794.
The weather proves colder.Camp Miami Villages, 30th September, 1794.
Salt and whisky were drawn by the troops this day, and a number of the soldiery became much intoxicated, they having stolen a quantity of liquor from the quartermaster.Camp Miami Villages, 1st October, 1794.
The volunteers appear to be uneasy, and have refused to do duty. They are ordered by the commander-in-chief to march to-morrow for Greenville to assist the pack-horses, which I am told they are determined not to do.Camp Miami Villages, 2d October, 1794.
This morning the volunteers refused to go on command, and demanded of General Scott to conduct them home; he ordered them to start with General Barber, or if they made the smallest delay they should lose all their pay and be reported to the war office as revolters. This had the desired effect, and they went off, not in good humor.Camp Miami Villages, 3d October, 1794.
Every officer, noncommissioned officer and soldier belonging to the square are on fatigue this day, hauling trees on the hind wheels of wagons; the first day we got an extra gill per man, which appears to be all the compensation at this time in the power of the commander-in-chief to make the troops.Camp Miami Villages, 4th October, 1794.
This morning we had the hardest frost I ever saw in the middle of December; it was like a small snow; there was ice in our camp-kettles three-fourths of an inch thick. The fatigues go on with velocity, considering the rations the troops are obliged to live on.Camp Miami Villages, 5th October, 1794.
The weather extremely cold and hard frosts—the wind northwest. Everything quiet, and nothing but harmony and peace throughout the camp, which is something uncommon.Camp Miami Villages, 6th October, 1794.
Plenty and quietness, the same as yesterday. The volunteers engaged to work on the garrison, for which they are to receive three gills of whisky per man per day ; their employment is digging the ditch and filling up the parapet.Camp Miami Villages, 7th October, 1794.
The volunteers are soon tired of work, and have refused to labor any longer; they have stolen and killed seventeen beeves in the course of these two days past.Camp Miami Villages, 8th October, 1794.
The troops drew but half rations of flour this day. The cavalry and other horses die very fast—not less than four or five per day.Camp Miami Villages, 9th October, 1794.
The volunteers have agreed to build a block-house in front of the garrison.Camp Miami Villages, 11th October, 1794.
A Canadian [Rozelle] with a flag arrived this evening ; his business was to deliver up three prisoners in exchange for his brother, who was taken on the 20th August. He brings information that the Indians are in council with Girty and McKee near the fort of Detroit; that all the tribes are for peace except the Shawanese, who are determined to prosecute the war.Camp Miami Villages, 12th October, 1794.
The mounted volunteers of Kentucky marched for Greenville, to be mustered and dismissed the service of the United States army, they being of no further service therein.Camp Miami Villages, 13th October, 1794.
Captain Gibson marched this day, and took with him a number of horses for Fort Recovery to receive supplies of provisions.Camp Miami Villages, 14th October, 1794.
Nothing particular this day.Camp Miami Villages, 15th October, 1794.
The Canadian that came in on the 11th left us this day, accompanied by his brother ; they have promised to furnish the garrison at Defiance with stores at a moderate price, which, if performed, will be a great advantage to the officers and soldiers of that post.Camp Miami Villages, 16th October, 1794.
Nothing new; weather wet and cold—wind from the northwest. The troops healthy in general.Camp Miami Villages, 17th October, 1794.
This day Captain Gibson arrived with a large quantity of flour, beef and sheep.Camp Miami Villages, 18th October, 1794.
Captain Springer and Brock, with all the pack-horses, marched with the cavalry this morning for Greenville, and the foot for Recovery, the latter to return with the smallest delay with a supply of provisions for this post and Defiance.Camp Miami Villages, 19th October, 1794.
This day the troops were not ordered for labor, being the first day for four weeks, and accordingly attended divine service.Camp Miami Villages, 20th October, 1794.
An express arrived this day with dispatches to the commander-in-chief; the contents are kept secret. A court-martial to sit this day for the trial of Lieutenant Charles Hyde.Camp Miami Villages, 21st October, 1794.
This day were read the proceedings of a general court-martial held on Lieutenant Charles Hyde (yesterday), was found not guilty of the charges exhibited against him, and was therefore acquitted.Camp Miami Villages, 22d October, 1794.
This morning at 7 o'clock the following companies, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Hamtramck of the 1st sublegion, took possession of this place, viz : Captain Kingsbury's 1st; Captain Greaton's 2d; Captain Spark's and Captain Reed's, 3d; Captain Preston's 4th; and Captain Porter's of artillery; and after firing fifteen rounds of cannon, Colonel Hamtramck gave it the name of Fort Wayne.Camp Miami Villages, 23d October, 1794.
The general fatigue of the garrison ended this day, and Colonel Hamtramck, with the troops under his command, to furnish it as he may think fit. All the soldiers' huts are completed except covering, and the weather is favorable for that work.Camp Miami Villages, 24th October, 1794.
This day the troops drew but half rations of beef and flour, the beef very bad.Camp Miami Villages, 25th October, 1794.
Nothing extraordinary the same as yesterday. This evening Captain Springer with the escort arrived, with a supply of flour and salt. A Frenchman and a half Indian came to headquarters, but where they are from or their business we cannot learn but that it is of a secret nature.Camp Miami Villages, 26th October, 1794.
Nothing occurring to-day except an expectation to march the day after to-morrow.Camp Miami Villages, 27th October, 1794.
Agreeable to general orders of this day, we will march for Greenville to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock.Camp nine miles from Fort Wayne, 28th October, 1794.
The legion took up the line of march at 9 o'clock and arrived here without anything particular occurring.Camp twenty-one miles from Fort Wayne, 29th October, 1794.
The troops proceeded on their march at sunrise, and arrived on this ground at half past 3 o'clock, our way was through rich and well timbered land, the weather cold and much like for rain.Camp'Southwest side of St. Mary's river, 30th October, 1794.
The legion proceeded on ther march at 7 o'clock, and arrived here at sunset; continual heavy rain all day.Camp Girty's Town, Slst October, 1794.
The troops took up their line of march at sunrise, and arrived here three hours after night, through heavy rain.Greenville, 2nd November, 1794.
This evening the legion arrived here, where they marched from 28th July, 1794. We were saluted with twenty-four rounds from a sixpounder. Our absence from this ground amounted to three months and six days. And so ends the expedition of General Wayne's campaign. Proceeded on our march to this place at 5 o'clock this morning, and arrived here at the confluence of the Miami and Oglaize rivers at half past 10, being jseventy-seven miles from Fort Recovery. This place far excels in beauty any in the western country, and believed equalled by none in the Atlantic States. Here are vegetables of every kind in abundance, and we have marched four or five miles in cornfields clown the Oglaize, and there is not less than one thousand acres of corn round the town. The land in general of the fir nature. This country appears well adapted for the enjoyment of industrious people, who cannot avoid living in as great luxury as in any other place throughout the States, Nature having lent a most bountiful hand in the arrangement of the position, that a man can send the produce to market in his own boat. The land level and river navigable, not more than sixty miles from the lake. The British have built a large garrison about fifty miles from this place, and our spies inform us that the enemy are encamped about two miles above it, on the river.Grand Oglaize, 9th August, 1794.
We remain here. The commander-in-chief has ordered a garrison to be erected at the confluence of the Miami and Oglaize rivers, which was begun this morning, and will take up some time ; by this means the troops will be much refreshed, as well as the horses and cattle, the latter being much wearied and in need of a recess of labor. No appearance of an enemy.